Sunday, June 24, 2012
Late-night listening under the duvet!
Greetings from England! Last night we went for a couple of drinks to the pub and then to bed - but before sleeping we switched on the radio and who was there? With an enormous signal and sounding like a local MW station it was Radio Barones. Watch the short movie taken from under the duvet - all you can see is the lights on the receiver!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy times
Good evening from a wet and rainy England (again)! Right now we are listening to the Vrolijke Mijnwerker (the Happy Miner) on 1646 kHz. There are some static crashes on the MW band this evening, but a fine signal from the eastern part of the Netherlands. Have a look at the video . . .
Saturday night fever!
For most of Saturday I was working, but I arrived home at around 2200 UTC and after watching a little TV, I switched on the radio at around 2300. With recent conditions on MW very poor for listening in the UK, it was a very nice surprise to hear some fine signals on 186 metres. Here are the stations we heard, together with some other recent logs . . .
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
1650 2320 Batavier 33533 music programme
1650 2320 Moby Dick 33533 (later 44444) music programme
1647 2323 Monte Carlo 42543 qsoing
1665 2325 Polkaman 24422-35443 music programme
1636 2328 Repower 33333-44444 qsoing
1645 2331 Spakenburg 44444-54544 qsoing
1657 2334 Napoleon 55534 music programme
1645 2348 Monte Carlo 44433 qsoing
1640 0004 Monte Carlo 45444-55444 qsoing
Thursday, June 14, 2012
1629 2258 Calipso 42542 (later 54444) qsoing
1630 2304 Barcelona 42542 (later 44544 music programme
1646 2313 Casablanca 34533-44544 music programme
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
1630 1950 Unidentified station playing Donna Summer I Feel Love. Nice audio
1645 2011 Kristal 25422-45434 music programme
1672 2054 Armada 35433-45434 music programme
1630 2108 Noordzee 33533 music programme
1646 2146 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 54444-55444 report
for Noordzee
1630 2200 Barcelona 35433-55544 music programme
1646 2214 Casablanca 34433-45544 report for
1647 2221 Noordzee 35433 report for Mijnwerker
1645 2231 Pandora 35433-55555 qsoing
Saturday observations
- Listening to 1650 was interesting. Batavier was broadcasting a music programme with Relmus behind the microphone, but Radio Moby Dick was also on the channel. There was no hetrodyne, just two signals mixing and the stations taking it in turn to peak. One minute Batavier was coming though and the next it was Moby Dick.... much to the annoyance of Mr Relmus! Later in the evening, at around 0050 UTC, just Moby was on the frequency and he was coming in very well. Listen here
- Very nice to hear Napoleon with some late-night music on 1657. The signal was very good and at first it sounded a little like Barones - and with some of his music as well! Click here for a short recording
- Spakenburg was coming through with a very fine signal as usual, together with Monte Carlo, who tried a few different frequencies but was best of all on 1640
- There was a well-known voice on 1636 but with a different name to usual! Radio Repower had some nice peaks on his signal. Click here for a listen
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Relaxing sounds
Monday night was not a busy one for reception of the Dutch pirates in the UK, but there were several stations on the band, with Vrolijke Mijnwerker leading the way with some relaxing music . . .
Monday, June 11, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
1651 2140 Amigo 33433 music programme
1646 2140 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55434 music programme
1660 2141 Centraal maybe? 25322 music programme
1665 2141 Polkaman 25322 music programme
1647 2239 Casablanca 45434 report for Mijnwerker
1646 2242 Monte Carlo 35333 report for Mijnwerker
1646 2140 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55434 music programme
1660 2141 Centraal maybe? 25322 music programme
1665 2141 Polkaman 25322 music programme
1647 2239 Casablanca 45434 report for Mijnwerker
1646 2242 Monte Carlo 35333 report for Mijnwerker
- The first station we came across last night was Amigo. We usually hear him qsoing, but he was playing some music this time and coming in very nicely on the peaks
- The Happy Miner was the strongest station on the band. He was busy testing a new antenna, which was working very well. There was some fading on the signal but the strength was excellent - you can take a listen by clicking here
- When Vrolijke Mijnwerker closed down he got reports from Monte Carlo and also Casablanca, who could be heard with his trademark song Boom Boom from the Internationals
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Plenty of action
Another busy evening at the top of the MW band!
As usual, signals started arriving in England just before 2100 UTC and we heard a steady flow of stations . . .
Saturday, June 9, 2012
1640 2044 Grutte Pier 35544 music programme
1636 2044 Keizer En Keizeren 24232 music programme
1629 2045 Unidentified station playing non-stop music
1512 2052 Jaknikker 32532 music programme
1512 2052 Jaknikker 32532 music programme
1672 2100 Armada 35533-45444 music programme
1640 2122 Professor Sickbok 34333 music programme
1630 2139 Barcelona 45333-55444 music programme
1655 2157 Spakenburg 45333-45444 music programme
1675 2219 Nachtzwerver 25222 asking for report
1665 2231 Digitaal 44333-44444 report for
1646 2325 Casablanca 34333-45444 music programme
- One of the strongest stations of the evening was Spakenburg, who was playing some music and English tunes on 1655 and getting a good response with plenty of messages on the telephone. Click here for a short recording
- There was an interesting station on 1629 playing non-stop music from from The Shadows, Hermans Hermits, The Searchers, Mamas and Papas, Tom Jones and much more. No ID was heard but the signal had some good peaks
- Nachtzwerver was a nice catch around 1675 in qso with Digitaal, who you can listen to by clicking here
- Jaknikker was busy on 1512. The signal was fair but there were the usual foreign stations on the frequency. Batavia also tried the channel with a test, but we were unable to hear him
- As I write this at 0100 UTC, Barcelona and Casablanca are still going strong with their music programmes
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Easy listening
Well Friday night on the MW band was a real pleasure. Conditions were good from around 2100 UTC and there were several stations on air with music programmes . . .
Friday, June 8, 2012
1646 2107 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 45534 music programme
1665 2107 Polkaman 24532-35543 music programme
1640 2117 Grutte Pier 33533-45534 music programme
1629 2118 Rebel 25532-35543 music programme
1670 2120 Matrix 34533 music programme
1653 2150 Barones 55544-55555 music programme
1640 2151 Professor Sickbok 35533-45544 music programme
- Rebel was using just 30 watts of power and coming in really well on the peaks and with very nice quality. It really is amazing what can be done with low power when the conditions are right. Listen to a recording here
- It was good to hear Matrix for the first time in a while. Also running low power at less than 100 watts, his signal was coming in well - nice jingles also!
- Barones was the strongest signal on the band as usual, with a super, long programme until around 0100 UTC. We started off by listening in the radio room and then listened in bed with a portable receiver! Take a look at the movie and you will see and hear near perfect reception
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Another great blog
So Radio Zeewolf started a new blog recently, which is recommended reading... and now the Blue Heron - Blauwe Reiger also has his very own page with plenty of logs and news from the MW pirate scene.
Click here to go straight to the page for another valuable insight into the busy Dutch pirate scene on MW and some interesting pictures of the Blauwe Reiger's studio and transmitter
Here comes the static!
Greetings from a wet and raining England! Signals from the Netherlands started arriving at our location at around 2000 on Saturday evening, but it took another couple of hours before they gained full strength. However, eventually stations were coming through very well, but with thunderstorms around the UK and Europe, there was a lot of static on the band, which made listening a little more difficult. However, the band was busy and this is what we heard . . .
Saturday, June 2, 2012
1650 2002 Moby Dick 25442. Later 45344 modulation
test and music programme
1645 2003 Barones 35543. Later 54344 music
1625 2019 Relmus 44344 at 2300 music programme
1645 2246 Digitaal 44344 report for Barones
1620 2248 Spakenburg 45344 qsoing
1633 2248 Barcelona 45344-55444 music programme
1655 2249 Euromast 35333 music programme
1675 2300 Orion West 35243 music programme
1665 2303 Polkaman 35243 music programme
1620 2305 Monte Carlo 35333 qsoing
1675 2315 Delmare 25232-35243 report for Orion West
1633 2321 Monte Carlo 35333 qsoing
1660 2330 Monte Carlo 35233 qsoing
- Very nice indeed to hear Relmus back on MW with a powerful signal. He has made successful broadcasts with very low power in recent months, but he cranked up the big transmitter this evening and was broadcasting at the same time on 6210 kHz SW. The programme celebrated the birthday of Radio Wadloper, who was in the studio along with the Batavier, Doctor Einstein and Witte Reus. A full house! Click here for a recording from near the end of the show when the guests had gone home
- Radio Barones was pumping out a powerful sound on 1645 (click here for a short recording), while Barcelona was also very strong on 1633, along with Spakenburg and Digitaal
- Orion West has been a little quiet of late, so it was great to hear him on 1675 with some music before a qso with Delmare. Both stations had some good peaks through the static
- Moby Dick was on the air for many hours, testing modulation and playing music until closedown at around 0200 UTC. You can listen to a recording of his signal by clicking here
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