Freq Time Station name SINPO Type of broadcast
April 14, 2020
1643 0430 Eskimo
25322-35333 music programme
1645 1726 Wegpiraat
25222-35333 asking for report
1640 1735 Casablanca
45444 report for Wegpiraat
1646 1741 Dageraad
25332 qsoing
1617 1920 Marianne
45434 music programme
1642 2156 Monte
Carlo 35333 music programme
1620 2258 Philadelphia 25222 music programme
● Eskimo is a station I don’t hear very often, mainly
because he seems to operate very early in the morning when I am in bed!
However, I caught him today playing some tunes on 1643 kHz before a qso
with various other pirates.
April 13, 2020
1635 2102 Bluebird
55444-55555 music programme
1617 2103 Interpol
25332-35333 music programme
April 12, 2020
1512 0430 Mike
Radio 34443-45444 music programme
1635 0533 Santana
en Cobra 35333 music programme
1646 0536 Vrolijke
Mijnwerker 25222-35333 music
1620 0543 Noordzee
25222 qsoing
1647 0601 Alabama
35333-45434 music programme
1633 0624 Schaduwjager
45444-55555 qsoing
1617 0628 Noordster
45444 qsoing
1635 0630 Hemmeling
35333 qsoing
1614 0649 Eigen
Risico 25222 music programme
1620 1825 Weduwe
44444 music programme
1615 1826 Blauwe
Koe 34333-44444 music programme
1671 1827 Viking
en Tante Foeke 24232-45444 music
1656 1829 Moonbreaker
35333-45444 music programme
1647 1830 Witte
Tornado 35333-45444 music
1633 1831 Barones
45444 music programme
1612 1831 Akai
32432-33433 music programme
1633 1900 Mondeo
35443-44444 music programme
April 11, 2020
1633 0430 Barcelona
45434 music programme
1633 0552 Klaverboer
weak signal report for Barcelona
1636 0555 Alabama
35443 report for Barcelona
1636 0603 Romax
35333 report for Barcelona
1617 0612 Eigen
Risico 25332 music programme
1611 0625 Zender
Johan 35333 qsoing
1635 0625 Havanna
35333-45444 music programme
1615 1845 Turftrekker
35333-45444 music programme
1635 1846 Pandora
45444 music programme
1640 1846 Mi
Amigo 34433 music programme
1656 1854 Nachtzwerver
35333 music programme
1611 1854 Zwarte
Boer 23432 music programme
1652 2042 Moby
Dick 35333-45444 music programme
1645 2056 OSM
45434-55444 600 watts qsoing
1494 2135 Laser
Hot Hits 35333-45444 music
1620 2144 Philadelphia
weak signal music programme
1640 2152 Nachtzwerver
43433 asking for report
1650 2200 Monte
Carlo 34333-44444 report for
1670 2220 De
Kat 24222 music programme
1648 2225 Jeneverstoker
33333 report for Pandora
1633 2242 Polkaman
25222 music programme
1656 2256 Snowman
34333 music programme
1640 2312 Nachtzwerver
35443 qsoing
1640 2314 Monte
Carlo 55444-55555 qsoing
● It was a busy morning at the high end of the MW
band today. Kicking off Easter Saturday early was Barcelona on 1633 kHz - his usual frequency and time of the week.
His signal was solid, as was that of Havanna,
who later popped up on his regular channel of 1635 kHz to spin some records
once Barcelona had gone off air. The signal was still doing well as the clock
ticked past 0800 local time here in England (0700 UTC), some two hours after
the sun had risen and when most Dutch pirate signals have disappeared from the
receivers at this location.
● I got a message this evening to let me know that
a new station was testing on 1512 kHz. Radio
Nooitgedacht, not to be confused with the MW stalwart of the same name from
the Achterhoek, whose operator sadly died in
February 2015. This station is
broadcasting from the province of Overijjsel with a power of 40 watts using a
coil antenna that is going to be improved upon in the coming weeks. I’ll
certainly be listening out for him again.
● Reception was not so stable during the first part
of the evening once the sun had gone down and there was plenty of fading on
signals that are usually solid. At their peaks, however, the likes of Turftrekker, Pandora and Moby Dick
were all coming in loud and clear. However, by around 2300 signals had started
to stabilize and there was some superb reception available. Monte Carlo was all the way up to a sinpo of 55555 at times, while
low-power Snowman from Friesland was
putting in a very listenable signal.
● Last time I heard OSM he was running just 20 watts of power. Tonight I noticed a
considerably more powerful sound on 1645 kHz and it was O’Superman cranking up
the output to 600 watts of carrier from Flevoland. There was plenty of fading
on the signal at times, but it was strong and Superman’s voice never fails to
put a smile on my face. It was great to be able to send him a direct report as
he was talking on air and hear the excitement as he understood his signal was
crossing the North Sea loud and clear. The recordings below will give you an idea of reception tonight:
April 10, 2020
1615 2202 Technical
Man 44444 music programme
1635 2203 Bluebird
54444 music programme
1655 2203 Barones
55444 music programme
1620 2205 Philadelphia
weak signal music programme
1670 2206 Monte
Carlo 35333
1660 2221 Vonkentrekker
25322 music programme
1633 2246 Polkaman
weak signal music programme
April 9, 2020
1636 0710 Torpedojager
24332 music programme
1642 1823 Twentana
35443 music programme
1634 1844 Marskramer
34333-45444 music programme
1655 2046 Vonkenboer
25332 qsoing
1655 2051 Turfsteker
25332-35443 qsoing
1640 2119 Professor
Sickbok 34333-45444 music
1620 2143 Polkaman
24322 music programme
1654 2205 Jeneverstoker
25332-35333 report for Marskramer
1650 2210 Monte
Carlo 34333-44444 asking for
1640 2227 Casablanca
55444-55555 report for Professor
1647 2230 Professor
Sickbok 44444 report for Monte
1638 2303 Philadelphia
weak signal music programme
April 8, 2020
1617 1810 Eigen
Risico 25442 music programme
1635 2211 Bluebird
45444-55555 music programme
1631 2214 Polkaman
23432 testing with 50 watts
1656 2215 Snowman
25442 music programme
April 7, 2020
1655 1807 Eigen
Risico 24442 music programme
1617 1843 Marianne
35443-45444 music programme
1670 1844 Digitaal
35333-45444 music programme
1644 2132 Vrolijke
Mijnwerker 35443 qsoing
1638 2135 Philadelphia
25332 music programme
1645 2135 Monte
Carlo 35333 qsoing
April 6, 2020
1635 1815 Bluebird
35433, 55444 at 2058 music programme
1614 2034 Twee
Gebroeders 23432 music programme
1647 2036 Oldtimer 35333 music programme