Thursday, November 05, 2015

Double Baro

In between fireworks and sparklers in the garden tonight, I've been listening to the Barones - on 1636 and 1615 kHz. It's not very often you hear a Dutch MW pirate on two frequencies at the same time, but it's been made possible this evening with a little help from Radio Batavier and the SDR at Enschede.

1636 kHz has been providing the main signal, but the 60 watt transmitter on 1615 has been doing a great job too, with a sinpo often around 35333. 

As the clock approaches midnight Baro is shortly to close down. He's currently playing some classic Simon and Garfunkal. No matter how many times I hear him spin these records I never tire of them. I remember listening to the same tunes when I was much younger, living with my parents and staying up late into the night listening to illegal broadcasters when I probably should have been spending my time studying for exams!

And yesterday there was plenty of interest for me during the early morning from around 0545 when stations Eskimo, Johan and Rocking Billy were busy qsoing with each other. 

It's been two years since I previously heard Eskimo, so it was good to catch his signal once more. The last time I heard him was at 0445, so it seems he is a real early bird. Johan is another station often active early in the day, too, and he was coming in very strongly. I made a couple of recordings:

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