No sooner had I posted my latest batch of logs on the blog then Radio Soerabaya sent me a nice new qsl . . .
Many thanks!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Busy Bank Holiday
The Bank Holiday weekend has been a nice one. On Sunday evening we spent some time out in the garden . . . I set up some speakers so we could listen to the radio while enjoying the night air, and we listened to various stations. First to the professional sound of the Free Radio Service Holland on 5800 and 7685, then to the always entertaining Radio Underground on 6325 and later to Spakenburg with some music on 1620 before his qso with Barcelona and Monte Carlo. It makes a change to listen outdoors, and it was a surprise to hear my voice coming out of the speaker with a jingle or two on 1633 kHz!
I was working from home today (Monday), which meant I could go at my own pace, enjoy some of the sunshine and also listen to the radio. I was tuned to Radio Merlin for much of the afternoon on 6305 and it was great to hear some shortwave pirate activity during the daylight hours. Throughout much of the summer the international band has been very quiet until the sun has gone down. The change is a sure sign autumn is coming.
After Merlin closed down there was entertainment on 6290 from Telstar and when he closed down, Odynn came on the frequency. The first MW pirate to come through from the Netherlands was the Zwarte Boekanier, who I heard at just after 1800 utc. And as the sun set in the sky, more and more stations could be heard.
Here's what I heard tonight and for the last few evenings. Unless stated, reception was with the Lowe HF225 and outdoor Wellbrook loop antenna:
Pirate sounds and a few beers |
Keeping warm while listening to the pirates |
I was working from home today (Monday), which meant I could go at my own pace, enjoy some of the sunshine and also listen to the radio. I was tuned to Radio Merlin for much of the afternoon on 6305 and it was great to hear some shortwave pirate activity during the daylight hours. Throughout much of the summer the international band has been very quiet until the sun has gone down. The change is a sure sign autumn is coming.
After Merlin closed down there was entertainment on 6290 from Telstar and when he closed down, Odynn came on the frequency. The first MW pirate to come through from the Netherlands was the Zwarte Boekanier, who I heard at just after 1800 utc. And as the sun set in the sky, more and more stations could be heard.
The sun goes down and out come the MW pirates |
Here's what I heard tonight and for the last few evenings. Unless stated, reception was with the Lowe HF225 and outdoor Wellbrook loop antenna:
Monday, August 26, 2013
1650 1814 Zwarte Boekanier 25452, 35553 at 1907 music programme
1662 1908 Oldtimer 23442, 44444 at 2023 music programme
1611 1915 Mustang 44444 music programme
1633 1915 Vrijevogel 25452 music programme
1640 1919 Jonny Pecon 35433-45444 asking for report
1645 1924 Turfsteker weak signal report for Pecon
1646 1927 Soerabaya weak signal
1629 1934 Calipso 54444 qsoing
1629 1940 Brandaris 34443 qsoing
1620 2022 King 24332-35333 music programme
1665 2027 Philadelphia weak signal music programme
1651-3 2054 Bekend Amateur 25222-35333 report for Boekanier
1630 2115 Electron 34333-55555 music programme
1636 2146 Pandora 55444-55555 report for Electron
1646 2147 Monte Carlo 34443-55444 report for Electron
1630 2205 Baanbreker 44444 qsoing
1646 2215 Soerabaya 25222-35333 qsoing
1640 2223 Monte Carlo 55444 qsoing
1655 2301 Jeneverstoker 35333 qsoing
Sunday, August 25, 2013
1638 1940 Bluebird 55444 music programme
1647 1940 Witte Tornado 54444 music programme
1652 2002 Uniek 34333 music programme
1512 2012 Tempico 44533 music programme
1620 2139 Spakenburg 44333-45444 music programme
1633 2231 Barcelona 44333-55444 qsoing
1624 2328 Underground
1646 2328 Soerabaya 34333 asking for report
Saturday, August 24, 2013 (Pye valve radio with outdoor loop)
1665 0015 Polkaman 44333 music programme
1624 0044 Underground 24322-34333
1645 0050 Soerabaya 25322-35333 asking for report
1648 2340 Moby Dick 45334-55444 music programme
1665 2345 Polkaman 34333 music programme
1628 0005 Jack Sparrow 34333
1636 0030 Kleine Test Amateur 45344
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 (Pye valve radio with outdoor loop)
1628 2230 Kleine Test Amateur 45544-55555 music programme
1640 2233 Witte Raaf 33543-45544 music programme
1646 2233 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55555 music programme
1653 2244 Jeneverstoker 35333 report for Mijnwerker
1636 2334 Sluwe Vos 25333-35343 music programme
Friday, August 16, 2013
1620 1904 Sterrekijker 35443, 55555 at 1924 music
1646 1904 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 45554, 55544 at 2026
music programme
1636 1913 Poema 34433-44444 testing
1636 1950 Dutchman 23432-33433 report for Poema
1629 1959 Calipso 55444-55555 music programme
1655 2000 Witte Raaf 45444 music programme
1620 2020 Zwarte Diamont 34433 report for
- Very nice to hear Brandaris back on air this evening. I see he has been logged on other dates recently, but this was the first time I heard him for many months. Welcome back to the airwaves!
- Electron and Pandora were the strongest signals on the band on Monday night, and Monte Carlo was also doing very well. He was experiencing problems with a valve in his transmitter, which might explain why his SINPO when he first came on air was below his usual here. By the end of his qso he was coming in much better, peaking at 55444. Conditions were variable throughout the evening, however. Soerabaya, for example, often dipped below the noise level, but sometimes he came right through it and was really strong. The same could be said about King Radio on 1620, who were struggling sometimes with a Balkan station on the same frequency, but also had some very good peaks
- Last Tuesday while I was listening on the old Pye valve radio, Sluwe Vos came on air to play a few records. He runs just 20 watts but he was coming in really well. A good antenna at both ends gives great results, and it's a real pleasure to listen to stations through the warm sound of a 1950s radio
- Back on Friday, August 16, Poema made an appearance on 1636. I can't remember the last time I heard him up there. He was operating on 1476 a few weeks ago when I last heard him. The signal higher up the band was better, and it seems the new antenna (coil and wire) is working very well
A little bit of Holland
I wasn't able to go to the Summer Meeting in the Netherlands this year. For those of you who don't know much about the annual event, it is a chance for station operators, listeners and dxers to get together, chat about the hobby and drink far too much beer before sleeping for a few hours and then doing it all a bit more. It took place recently, and you can read all about it here in Radio Zeewolf's regular contribution to the website of Short Wave Combination Holland, who organised this year's event.
The closest I got to Holland this year was a trip to Legoland in Windsor this month. But I'll be back to sample the real thing in 2014
The closest I got to Holland this year was a trip to Legoland in Windsor this month. But I'll be back to sample the real thing in 2014
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Late-night Underground activity
It's the very early hours of Saturday morning. I'm sat in the living room with no lights on and listening again to the old valve radio in the corner of the room. I have an excuse! I was working late tonight and have not been home for long, so I thought I would relax with the radio for a little while before heading to bed. And what do I find to listen to as a new weekend arrives?
I find Radio Underground on 1624 kHz, one of only a handful of pirate stations now operating from England on MW. Conditions are pretty long skip as I listen and the signal is slowly fading up and down, but on the peaks it is listenable. There is plenty of static on the band as well, just to add some extra spice into the mix, and various legal stations from the US are starting to break though. However, Underground is arriving here with a SINPO around 24322, sometimes more, and it's good to have this station on the air. The power amplifier of his transmitter blew up on Monday evening and he fixed it earlier today. He seems to have done a good job as everything is working well - just a shame conditions aren't more suitable for listening.
Underground was also on MW last Sunday evening. He was using a T-antenna on that occasion, while he is using a half-wave dipole right now. It seems the dipole does the better job for listening at this distance.
As I listen, Underground has just closed down and Soerabaya is now giving him a report on 1646. International qsoing on MW - I love it!
![]() |
The glow of the valve radio |
Underground was also on MW last Sunday evening. He was using a T-antenna on that occasion, while he is using a half-wave dipole right now. It seems the dipole does the better job for listening at this distance.
As I listen, Underground has just closed down and Soerabaya is now giving him a report on 1646. International qsoing on MW - I love it!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Early-morning treat
It's not very often I am early from my bed. However, on Tuesday morning I was awake at 0530 local time to answer a call of nature! I walked by the living room and thought I would have a very quick check on the MW band to see if any Dutch pirates were around. I didn't expect to hear anything as it was already light outside and I've never heard a station during the summer at such a time of day before, only in the winter when the sun rises much later. However, straightaway I heard music - Dutch music! I had a quick check on the SDR in Twente and I saw a signal at 1630. The music was the same as I could hear on my own radio. I listened for a while until the signal faded away. But then it came back again and I stayed tuned in for nearly an hour. Finally came the identification . . . it was Dageraad Radio - the first Dutch pirate station I have heard early in the morning during the summer on MW!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Late-night movies
I was working late on Saturday and didn't arrive home until around 0030 local time. I had been tipped off by Wire UK earlier in the evening that some Balkan pirate stations were skipping in nicely at the top of the MW band, so I thought I would have a quick listen around. Instead of heading to the radio room, I switched on the old 1950s Pye valve radio in the living room as I had earlier wired it up to the outdoor loop antenna.
Indeed I could hear some Balkans coming through quite clearly and with little fading. And I could also hear plenty of Dutch pirates. There was a qso between Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Digitaal, Romax and Jeneverstoker. Also on the band was Moby Dick with his regular Saturday night broadcast on 1648.
It makes a nice change to listen on an old radio set designed for the listener rather than dxer. The audio quality is so much more pleasant on the ear than a communications receiver and it is a calming experience to tune in to illicit broadcasts late at night with nothing more than the glow of tuning dial lighting up the room.
I made a few short films of the reception:
You can see more of my videos by going to my YouTube page here
Indeed I could hear some Balkans coming through quite clearly and with little fading. And I could also hear plenty of Dutch pirates. There was a qso between Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Digitaal, Romax and Jeneverstoker. Also on the band was Moby Dick with his regular Saturday night broadcast on 1648.
It makes a nice change to listen on an old radio set designed for the listener rather than dxer. The audio quality is so much more pleasant on the ear than a communications receiver and it is a calming experience to tune in to illicit broadcasts late at night with nothing more than the glow of tuning dial lighting up the room.
I made a few short films of the reception:
You can see more of my videos by going to my YouTube page here
Friday, August 16, 2013
Updating the logs
It's time for some logs from this side, starting off with last night (Thursday), when there was plenty going on at the top of the MW band . . .
Thursday, August 15, 2013
1655 2154 James Bond 55544 music programme
1638 2156 Bluebird 55544 qsoing
1476 2157 Edelkampioen 43533 music programme
1620 2157 King 33433 music programme
1645 2158 Vriendschap 44534 qsoing
1650 2208 Monte Carlo 44544 qsoing
1642 2214 Noordzee 45434 qsoing
1636 2220 Romax 44534 qsoing
1630 2223 Digitaal 55434-55544 qsoing
1650 2227 Jeneverstoker 33433 qsoing
1645 2229 Strandjutter 34433-44444 report for James Bond
1655 2232 Wilksracht 34433-44444 report for James
1636 2235 Digitaal 55444-55555 qsoing
1655 2237 Oldtimer 45534 report for James Bond
1630 2238 Salamander 22422 report for James Bond
1655 2255 Carona 43543, 54444 at 2345 qsoing
1656 2256 Romax 43543 qsoing
1636 2258 Studio Veronica 35443 qsoing
1647 2303 Casablanca (Emmen) 55534 qsoing
1655 2340 Monte Carlo 54444 qsoing
Monday, August 12, 2013
1628 2013 Marianne 34433-44444 music programme
1638 2013 Bluebird 55544 music programme
1643 2014 Twentana 32442-43443 music programme
1646 2029 Blauwe Reiger 44444-45444 testing
1657 2217 Jan De Roos (Black Bandit) 55444 music programme
Sunday, August 11, 2013
1647 1818 Witte Tornado 34433-44444, 55544 at 2124 music programme
1638 1818 Bluebird 45454-55555 music programme
1621 1824 Orion 24442, 44444 at 2001 music programme
1630 1826 Vulcano 24322-34333 music programme
1512 1828 Tempico 44434 at 2111 music programme
1630 1951 Meteoor 34433-44444 report for Vulcano
1657 2106 Jan Tabac (Black Bandit) 55444 music programme
1476 2110 Verona 32432 music programme
1629 2112 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55444
1655 2138 Mustang 44444-54544 music programme
1646 2222 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55544 qsoing
1650 2228 Relmus 45444 testing
1643 2237 Monte Carlo 55544-55555 qsoing
1636 2300 Jeneverstoker 45444 qsoing
Saturday, August 10, 2013
1611 2038 Armada 33433-44444 music programme
1620 2038 Carolina 55555 music programme
1615 2039 Batavier 44444-54554 music programme with Wadloper and Witte Reus
1638 2039 Bluebird 44444-55544 music programme
1652 2039 Uniek 34443-44444 music programme
1665 2040 Polkaman 33333-44444 music programme
1512 2041 Kameleon 44444 music programme
1657 2107 Jan Tabac (Black Bandit) 55444-55555 testing
1630 2137 Spakenburg 34444-44444 music programme
1611 2209 Turftrekker 43444-44444 report for Armada and music programme
1650 2240 Majorca 33433 qsoing
1620 2246 Spakenburg 43444 qsoing
1656 2257 Romax 35443-45444 music programme
1629 2323 Calipso 55555 music programme
1654 2359 Jeneverstoker 35333 report for Romax
1647 0017 Zeewolf 35333-45444 report for Uniek
1647 0105 Soerabaya 34333 testing
Friday, August 9, 2013
1620 1815 Sterrekijker 35443, 55444 at 2027 music programme
1615 1958 Batavier 35343-55444 music programme with Witte Reus
1627 1959 Japie de Sloper 45344 report for Sterrekijker
1646 1959 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55444 music programme
1636 2000 Twentana 35343 music programme
1620 2006 De Zwerver 24332 report for Sterrekijker
1512 2030 Rode Adelaar 42522-44544 music programme
1629 2037 Calipso 55444 music programme
1653 2158 Monte Carlo asking for report
1653 2158 Jeneverstoker 33333
1652 2211 Majorca 34343 report for Monte Carlo
1630 2308 Electron 55444 qsoing
1650 2310 Monte Carlo 55444 qsoing
1630 2350 Tidalwave 55344 qsoing and testing modulation
1623 2358 Zwarte Schaduw 35343 qsoing
- Radio James Bond is not often on the air these days, so it was really nice to hear his distinctive sound on Thursday evening. He was in the air for some time playing records before an enjoyable qso that attracted a whole host of stations who came on air to talk to the famous pirate. You can listen to a recording here. One of the stations who came up with a report was Strandjutter, who is also rarely in the air, and was coming in with a good signal. It's been a while since I last heard Carona, and he too was talking to James Bond. When some stations are on air they often attract plenty of other operators to switch on their transmitters - another good example is Zonnester. When he closes down from his music programme on a Sunday morning on 1620 the band becomes full of stations wanting to talk to him
- On Monday evening old Jan Tabac was entertaining his followers late into the night. He was still going strong when I finally switched off the radio at about 0200 here in the UK. He is always fun to listen to and you never quite know what's coming next on his broadcasts
- I've mentioned the frequency of 1476 several times before on the blog, and I've heard a few stations using the channel in the last week. Edelkampioen was on air with a good signal on Thursday night, while Verona was trying it out last Sunday night. Like many of the in-band frequencies, there can often be interference, but some good pirate signals are possible on the peaks
- Late last Saturday night, and just into the early hours of Sunday morning, it was great to hear Zeewolf on air on MW again. He was a regular with Friday night programmes in the past, but he popped up on his usual frequency of 1647 to give a report to Uniek. His signal was pretty good. More please!
The Soerabaya story
The Radio Soerabaya studio in August 2013 |
This station can often be heard qsoing around 1645 kHz, usually running around 100 watts into a vertical antenna, and although he has been on air since only 2010, the man behind the microphone had the radio bug from an early age. He takes up the story . . .
"It started in my childhood. My parents, used to go to church every Sunday in those years (and the young Soerabaya went with them). When we got back home my father switched on the tube radio. Out of the speaker came Dutch music and the voice of operators who talked different from the regular ones.
"In that time (1970s) only mediumwave was in use and the music they played wasn't really popular to us. My old man told me these stations were operating clandestinely and they get penalties if they got raided. This was really fascinating for me and since that time I loved listening to the pirate stations.
"In the early 80s the pirate bug really hit me. A classmate at school had an electronic experimenting set and one of the suggested circuits was a free-running hf oscillator. I simply had to have this! So i visited a neighbour, who I knew was a MW pirate, to beg for some parts and to build me that oscillator.
"Well, I was very lucky because he built me an EL84 transmitter inside my tube radio. Sadly, I never really got it working because i had to keep it secret from my parents and, after being raided by my father, I had to take it back where I got it."
"In the second half of the 80s I had a station on FM with some people. We were on air every Sunday from early afternoon to midnight and sometimes we got about 500 requests by phone for greetings and requests. After six months I left the team as other interests came up and then came a long break in my pirate activities.
That could have been the end of Radio Soerabaya there and then but, when the pirate bug hits, it often stays around for years, and there was plenty of time for the station still to hit the MW airwaves . . .
"So I thought about building a tube amp out of tube radio parts. I searched the internet for a schematic and in doing so I found the diagram of my very first transmitter. I thought I could build it - just for fun - and I did!
"At around the same time I found the LPAM site of the founder of the AM Forum. I sent him an email and asked if there were still some MW pirates in Twente (east Netherlands). You can guess my surprise and happiness when he wrote that there are plenty of them! Very soon I had an antenna to go with my EL84 transmitter, and I was audible on the car radio for about 3-4 kilometres.
"In 2009/10 I started building a transmitter with an 807 valve - which I use today - (first with a 6146b tube, which was killed very soon!). Eventually, after many experiments and two electric shocks I got my first reception report. It was on May 12, 2010 and it came from Radio Monza. The record I played from Boney M is still hanging on the wall . . .
You can see the record on the wall |
And what about the first reception report for Radio Soerabaya that came from overseas? Well, I'm very pleased to say that it came from me, on April 9, 2011. And I can remember how pleased the man behind the mic was when he received an audio file. To this day he still has the beer bottle he was drinking when his signal carried across the North Sea and into my antenna here in England.
So that's the story of how one pirate interest came about and how another MW pirate came to the airwaves. And to conclude, here are some more Soerabaya photos, several taken this month and others when the station first hit MW in 2010 and a few from those AM experiments in 2005


Saturday, August 10, 2013
How life used to be
Back in the 1970s there was a thriving pirate scene on MW in the south of England. I wasn't actually around to listen, but I've read about stations and listened to the old recordings, and I get the impression it was very much like the Netherlands still is to this day. What a shame we don't still have all that activity of 40 years ago.
If you dig around the internet there are plenty of reminders of how the pirate life used to be here in England. On the south coast there was a station called Sun Radio. Click here to see a collection of tremendous photos and here to read some newspapers cuttings about their exploits all those years ago.
Friday, August 09, 2013
Is winter on the way?
In the winter time it is possible to hear Dutch MW pirates here in the UK from around 1300. At the height of the summer it is rare to hear anything before 1900. On Thursday night though, the first stations started arriving at just after 1700 - a nice mixture of good conditions and signs that autumn and winter are not far away. And if long-range experts are correct, the British winter could be starting as early as October this year. Could we really be seeing snow on the loop antenna is just two months' time?
Here are the stations heard on Thursday and our list for the early part of the week:
Thursday, August 8, 2013
1638 1738 Bluebird 25452, 35453 at 1813, 45454 at 1847, 55444 at 2030
1646 1742 Blauwe Reiger weak signal qsoing
1620 1744 Wegpiraat weak signal qsoing
1620 1744 Wegpiraat weak signal qsoing
1629 1746 Gele Kanarie (Calipso) 25452
1646 1755 Soerabaya weak signal qsoing
1629 1809 Tidalwave 25452
1611 2025 Meteoor 34333-44444 music programme
1629 2106 Schaduwjager 55454 qsoing
1628 2108 Nova 4 45444 qsoing
1620 2110 King 25332-35333 music programme
1645 2151 Casablanca 33433 qsoing
1645 2145 Noordzee 44444 music programme
1655 2155 Kakkerlak (Black Bandit) 55444 report for Bluebird
1629 2203 Calipso 55555 music programme
1655 2207 Kleine Sjakie 34443 report for Bluebird
1626 2228 Zwarte Diamant 21431 report for King
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
1640 2136 Professor Sickbok 45444 qsoing
1645 2139 Casablanca (Twente) 35343 qsoing
1648 2142 Monte Carlo 45434-55444 qsoing
1655 2146 Kakkerlak (Black Bandit) 55434 music programme
1645 2149 Turfsteker 35333 qsoing
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
1638 2152 Bluebird 55444 music programme
1640 2152 Professor Sickbok 43443 qsoing
1668 2153 Witte Reus 25222
1653 2154 Black Bandit 45344 qsoing
1645 2156 Casablanca (Twente) qsoing
1665 2156 Polkaman music programme
1620 2157 King 24222-35333 music programme
1633 2159 Barcelona 54434 qsoing
1652 2204 Jeneverstoker 24222 qsoing
1620 2204 Noordzee 55444 qsoing
Monday, August 5, 2013
1638 2115 Bluebird 55344 music programme
1629 2115 Armada 44343 music programme
1611 2115 Mustang 45344 music programme
1646 2115 Vrolijke Mijnwerker 45344 music programme
Sunday, August 4, 2013
1637 2038 Napoleon 35333-45343 music programme
1647 2038 Witte
Tornado 45444-55444 music programme
1654 2142 Jeneverstoker
34333 music programme
1660 2142 Klaar
Toeter (Black Bandit) 54444-55555 music programme
1620 2155 Dinkelland
44444-55444 asking for report
1512 2155 Tempico
43433 music programme
1633 2241 Astronaut
25222-35333 qsoing and testing antenna
1620 2301 Veronica 23332 qsoing
Saturday, August 3, 2013
1625 2225 Batavier 44444 music programme
1633 2228 Barcelona 54444 qsoing
1611 2230 Spakenburg 45344 music programme
1637 2233 Electron 42443 qsoing
1648 2234 Moby Dick 45344 music programme
1656 2234 Jan Tabac (Black Bandit) 55344-55444 music programme
1630 2237 Digitaal 55444 qsoing
1640 2241 Spanningzoeker 55444 qsoing
1653 2243 Monte Carlo 42442 report for Spakenburg
1656 2244 Pandora 55444 report for Jan Tabac
1636 2248 Romax 32332 qsoing
1619 2255 Spakenburg 45344 qsoing
1651 2315 Monte Carlo 45344 qsoing
- It was good to hear several stations for the first time in a while. Wegpiraat might not have been strong when we heard him two hours before the sun went down, but there was a clear ID. It's also been some time since I heard Meteoor, but he was back in action on Thursday night with some records on 1611 before a qso with Schaduwjager and Nova 4
- King Radio has been on air a few times recently. He was previously known as Atletico and has been sending a fair signal across the North Sea with less than 100 watts. Great to hear this station on the air again. After he closed down on Thursday night he had a qso with Zwarte Diamant. It was hard work to get a good copy on his signal as he was transmitting on 1626, just 3 kHz down from the powerhouse Calipso, who was blasting in with the full 55555 sinpo. However, it seems Diamont is not often in the air (he has only a few mentions on the AM Fourm) and this was the first time he had been heard in England
- Black Bandit is on MW more than SW these days, which is good news for me as he is always fun to listen to. He seems to have a huge catalogue of names to choose from whenever he comes on air, and his presentation style really captures the imagination. I have a vivid picture in my mind of him sitting in his studio with clouds of cigar smoke billowing out all around while he sits back in an armchair with a tumbler of neat whiskey in his hand. He was on the air for some hours on Thursday night, chatting with various stations, including Kleine Sjakie, who was a new one for me
- On Sunday evening Dinkelland was blasting in with a cracking signal. I made this recording. He was asking for a report when I first heard him, and was later qsoing with Astronaut, who testing out his antenna after a few adjustments. He sent me this great atmospheric photo of his studio while he was on air
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Radio Astronaut on air |
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