Sunday, February 08, 2015

Sunday surprise

I haven't listened early on a Sunday morning for some time, so this morning I made an effort to do so. Well, I cheated a little bit and set my computer to record my radio on 1620 kHz from 0500 local time. This is a busy frequency on a Sunday morning and I was hoping this week would prove the same.

When I checked my recording I found that from the very start Amigo was busy with a music programme, which carried on through until just after 0600 when Dokwerker came on air. And then at just after 0800, Zonnester came on the frequency. Signals were pretty good, especially Dokwerker who was coming through very well indeed with some great peaks. It seems he came on at around the optimum time for early-morning reception of the Dutch pirates at my location in England.

Looking back at my logs, it seems I haven't heard Dokwerker since October 10, 2013, so it was certainly good to hear him on my radio once again with such good reception. He runs fairly low power and was pretty pleased when I sent an email this morning with a recording of his reception.

I also recorded Amigo and Zonnester, and you can listen to all three here . . .


  1. Great recordings and thanks for posting

  2. Hello David, thanks for your report and the recordings.

    Greetings de Dokwerker
