Now the longest day of the year is a few weeks gone, perhaps this is the start of improved reception of the Dutch pirates for me. I hope so.
Here's some of the stations I heard today:
Monday, July 21, 2014
1640 2115 Veronica
44333-44444 qsoing
1655 2116 Sluwe
Vos 34333 qsoing
1625 2116 Zwarte
Panter (Oldenzaal) 33333
1654 2119 Studio
69 34333-44444 qsoing
1633 2121 Vrolijke
Mijnwerker 55444 qsoing
1611 2122 Brugwachter
55444 qsoing
1638 2123 Bluebird
55444-55555 music programme
1644 2123 Uniek
34333 music programme
1617 2125 Soerabaya 24222-34333 testing
1612 2130 Monte
Carlo 55444 qsoing
1655 2132 Batavier
44444 qsoing
1666 2133 Snowman
24222-34333 music programme
1655 2136 Vliegende
Schotel 44444 qsoing
1631 2143 Monte
Carlo 44333 qsoing
1670 2146 Digitaal
55444 qsoing
1658 2225 Monte
Carlo 55444 qsoing
1670 2301 Batavier
35333-45444 testing
1648 2322 Casablanca 55444 asking for report
- The storms we've seen across the UK and the Netherlands over the last couple of days have died away and there was plenty of action on the band, including some low-power transmissions. Snowman continues to do very well and was busy with a music programme on 1665, although his accent continues to confuse me as he sounds very much like fellow Friesland pirate Witte Raaf!
- It was also good to hear Soerabaya, Uniek and Zwarte Panter, who all use low power
- Brugwachter, Bluebird, Vrolijke Mijnwerker, Digitaal, Casablanca and Monte Carlo led the way with strong signals, although Batavier was pretty strong at times despite running with only 100 watts. He sent these pictures taken in his studio while on air . . .