Saturday, July 13, 2013

The log list

It's been a while since I posted any logs so, from a sultry England, here's what I've heard over the last couple of weeks. Receiving equipment here is the Lowe HF225 and outdoor Wellbrook loop antenna. As ever, all times are UTC

The Wellbrook loop antenna here against the summer sky

Friday, July 12, 2013
1646       2225       Vrolijke Mijnwerker 55534 music programme
1611       2225       Napoleon 34433-44444 music programme
1620       2226       Torpedojager 34433-45444 music programme
1636       2227       Mustang and Vloedgolf 55534 music programme
1665       2228       Polkaman 25322-35333 music programme
1627       2255       Electron 45434 report for Mustang
1640       2311       Professor Sickbok 55444-55555 report for Mijnwerker and music programme
1650       2313       Jeneverstoker 33333 report for Mijnwerker
1655       2313       Wilksracht 35333 report for Mijnwerker
1647       2344       Soerabaya 23332 qsoing
1645       0029       Soerabaya 35333 qsoing

Monday, July 8, 2013
1638       1950       Bluebird 35454 (55555 at 2027) music programme
1611       1952       Nova 4 45454 music programme
1633       2005       Vrijevogel 24442 music programme
1647       2223       Noordzee 54544 music programme
1656       2228       Studio 69 music programme
1665       2235       Philadelphia 24342 music programme
1620       2241       Pandora 55544 report for Bluebird
1650       2242       Jeneverstoker 35343 report for Bluebird
1647       2249       Casablanca 55534 reporting
1629       2254       Calipso 55555 qsoing

Sunday, July 7, 2013
1638       2358       Bluebird 55444-55555 music programme

Saturday, July 6, 2013
1665       2331       Polkaman 24322-34333 music programme
1656       2332       Romax 34333-45444 music programme
1648       2332       Moby Dick 44444 music programme
1638       2332       Bluebird 54544 music programme
1640       2341       Veronica 35333-45444 music programme
1650       2354       Jeneverstoker 33433

Friday, July 5, 2013
1625       2017       Batavier 35333 at 2047, 44444 at 2121, 55544 at 2204 music programme
1655       2018       Relmus 35433 at 2043, 45544 at 2108 music programme
1646       2019       Vrolijke Mijnwerker 45434 at 2027, 55544 at 2113 music programme
1636       2026       Keizer En Keizerin 23322-34333 music programme
1665       2049       Philadelphia 24322 music programme
1630       2101       Akai 34433-44444 testing
1635       2155       Sluwe Vos 24322 music programme
1665       2212       Polkaman 25332-35433 music programme
1625       2220       Noordzee 34333-45444 music programme

Thursday, July 4, 2013
1611       2106       Anton 34333-44444 music programme
1620       2106       Napoleon 33433-55544 music programme
1629       2107       Armada 35333-44444 music programme
1640       2107       Professor Sickbok 45434-55444 music programme
1650       2107       Kristal 45444-55444 music programme
1625       2125       Batavier 45444-55544 music programme
1657       2128       Studio 69 25332-35333 music programme
1512       2135       Unidentified station Non-stop music from The Classics    

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
1629       2139       Calipso 55444-55555 music programme
1655       2139       Oldtimer 45444 music programme
1615       2159       Batavier 45544-55544 testing new modulator tubes
1653       2200       Klaas Snoek 54444 report for Oldtimer
1638       2220       Sluwe Vos short music programme
1650       2319       Monte Carlo 35333 qsoing

Monday, July 1, 2013
1609       2015       Black Power 34443 music programme
1655       2016       Studio 69 24222-34333 testing
1636       2017       Nooitgedacht 35333-45444 music programme
1636       2040       Napoleon 35333-35343 report for Nooitgedacht
1665       2108       Philadelphia 23222 music programme
1640       2121       Monte Carlo 24222-34333 asking for report
1655       2159       Relmus 45334 report for Studio 69
1647       2159       Monte Carlo 45344-55444 qsoing

Sunday, June 30, 2013
1647       1902       Witte Tornado 25342 (45554 at 2017) music programme
1665       2015       Polkaman 25452 music programme
1656       2016       Studio 69 25442 music programme
1652       2017       Uniek 24322-34433 music programme
1640       2017       Wadloper 35433-45444 music programme
1625       2018       Noordzee 35333 music programme
1512       2018       Tempico 33433-54544 music programme
1635       2046       Admiraal 34333 asking for report
1640       2307       Relmus 35433-45434 music programme
1638       2350       Bluebird 55444-55555 music programme after Relmus closed


  • There were some big signals on the band tonight (Friday). Vrolijke Mijnwerker was the usual power-packed strength, and Mustang and Vloedgolf were doing a fine job with a very similar signal. Wilskracht was putting in one of the best signals I have ever heard from him and Professor Sickbok was sounding very powerful on 1640 - hitting the maximum 55555 sinpo - but with wide audio, splattering beyond 1650
  • As I write these words at 0050 UTC, Torpedojager is still going strong on 1620. During the winter I often hear him on a Thursday morning, so it makes a change to hear him at this time of the day
  • Great to hear Soerabaya tonight and with a super signal - again, possibly the best I have heard from him. It is only when you get a decent signal that it is possible to appreciate the quality of the modulation, and it sounded good here, with some nice bass but no distortion

  • Bluebird has been very busy during the last week or so, always on 1638 and always with a big signal here in England. His programmes often last for many hours. I have also heard him during the daytime on several occasions recently, using the SDR in Twente
  • Im always interested to hear stations in-band, and I am curious to know who it was testing on 1512 on Thursday, July 4. They were playing non-stop music by The Classics and coming in pretty well over here
  • Studio 69 has been using a different transmitter recently - the Skanti TRP5000, running at 50 watts. It looks like this . . .
Skanti TRP5000

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